Wednesday, 23 October 2013

The perfect gift

 I would have made this post on the occasion of Stine's birthday, which was the 7th of October, so a little late, I knooow..

But she had a great day (I hope) and her, another friend (Mie) and me were on a café. We gave her a pair of stilettos and a handmade cardigan alike thing.

But now to the thing we have all been waiting for: The perfect gift.
I think we all have tried to be out in last minute trying to find something really nice and it almost fails everytime. Too bad.
Now, I am not a gift expert or anything else very cool, but I got my methods, which I would like to share and which I hope will make it a little easier to just find a gift (my expertise is with girls, so I will refer to the person having the gift as she)!

1. Pay attention when she talks about what she wants and WRITE IT DOWN. You maybe think       you can remember it, but believe me, it is almost impossible. If she gets it herself or do not want it anymore, then remember to update your list.

  2. Take her out shopping. You will get loads of opportunities when she points out all the things she wants. In this way you get an idea of what she wants and likes. It is especially easy with Stine because she rarely buys it herself ;) 

3. If there is a way to make the gift personal it would be great. Especially parents like personal gifts, but something with pictures of you and your friend and your experiences will certainly also be a hit by your best friend.

4. If the thing you are planning on giving is really expensive, then be absolutely sure she wants it. Otherwise buy some "cheap" things. It looks like there is more and the chance that she likes at least one of the things will be bigger. Win win!

5. If you cannot find the perfect gift or exactly what she wants in the stores, then try the internet. It is a chance to take, but I guarantee you that if you find what she could not, she will be overexcited!

6. Do not see it as a "failure" or lack of creativeness if you give a thing from her wishlist. She wishes for it because she wants it, so why not give it to her?

I would like to come with a long list of what to buy, but I think that people are so different, that it would be no use.
But in a later post I am planning on making a "How to write the perfect wishlist" guess, and in this context I will show you my wishlist
It will soon be Christmas YAY!

Stine eating waffles and icecream. Yum.

Stay tuned!